Friday, August 14, 2009

A Swan Song Swan Song

Every summer the ACME Law Department has interns from local law schools, and this year we had a record nine interns. All but three ended their programs last Friday, and I poured my heart and soul into a farewell email. But one of the remaining interns, Lara, wanted one for her last day today even though I included her in last week’s farewell. So I had to dig really deep for this one.

You both are the swanest of the swans.
Your names both begin with a “L”;
that much I can definitely say.
Also you both are towards the end of the alphabet;
An experience to which I am unable to relate.
One of you has ACL/MCL/meniscus issues;
Hopefully the other does not.
One of you recently went to Montana;
I don’t know if the other one ever has.
While I was not exposed to your work product,
I can say with assurance that you both shall excel.
One of you will grapple with law and policy;
The other will handle patents galore.
But no matter what happens,
What challenges life may bring,
No matter how contentious a case,
Or vexing an issue,
Always remember,
That your names will always both begin
With a “L”.

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