Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Food for Thought

This was posted on one of the blogs I regularly follow.  A very provocative idea.

Human Rights For Men and Women in Intimate Relationships

The right to share equally with your partner all decisions and responsibilities related to your relationship, children, home and finances.

The right to share equally with your mate in all financial decisions.

The right to have friendships outside of your relationship as long as you do not violate the privacy of your relationship with your partner.

The right to express your opinion and then be given the same respect and consideration as those of your mate.

The right to have and express your sexual needs and desires without feeling like you are selfish, demanding, or aggressive.

The right to have your emotional, physical and intellectual needs be as important as the needs of your mate.

The right to expect your mate to do his/her part to resolve difficulties to your relationship.

The right to hold your mate responsible for his or her behavior rather than assuming that responsibility yourself.

The right to seek professional help with your relationship.

The right never to be physically attacked or emotionally degraded by your mate and the right to end the relationship (and to seek safety), if either occurs.

The right to expect significant behavioral changes rather than apologies and promises from your partner if a single battering incident occurs.

The right to not blame yourself if the relationship in which you have invested so much love and effort ends.

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