Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Law Students for McCain Stand by their Man

The Law Students for McCain a/k/a “LOST” have scored two significant successes in their relatively nascent history. The first success pertains to its Get Out the Vote effort for McCain’s core constituency, i.e., octogenarians and above. One 88 year old woman said that while she doubts that she will vote given those “new fangled machines” the LOST representative who contacted her did teach her how to program her VCR. She said for years she had asked every person who called, including that “kind person who sold me $400 of yearly subscriptions to magazines like Tiger Beat and Sassy,” how to program it, but no one could. But the LOST member succeeded. The woman said she will no longer have to bug her grandson to come over to tape a program for her. The second success was more of an internal organization nature, as a LOST rep taught Senator McCain how to get past the set-up screen on his Blackberry.

1 comment:

Joe Rove said...

Thank you. I do like to think of that our efforts are of a grass roots nature. I will be proud to say that all senior citizens will have effectively programmed electronics by Nov. 4th, thanks to John McCain.