Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Corn Maze is Not a Landfill

I did the corn maze at Denver Botanic Gardens -- Chatfield for the first time. I took my son even though he was fearful of being lost in the maze forever -- and he hasn't even watched Children of the Corn. After entering the maze, I soon learned that any preconceived notions of trying to trace a route based on the map of the maze is impossible. So we did the next best thing, find some people who look like they have a clue and follow them. So we did make it through in fairly quick time. But what saddened me are the numerous shortcut "paths" created by trampling through the corn. And the plastic bottles and food strewn in the maze. They must have had a recent "GOP Day" at the maze or teenagers view this as yet another way to fight the "man that is keeping them down."

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