Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It Was a Sad Night on the CWTV

Speaking of which, is this not where the Palins belong? on a weekly sitcom? You have Big Head Todd who not only earns $100k per year for a few weeks of oil work, but apparently can help balance the budget; the state budget that is. He can also engage in intricate and delicate state negotiations while at the same time being his wife’s heavy if needed. He can also cook a mean salmon filet. Then there is wife, Sara, a small town girl with slightly larger town ambitions. She is going to be President one day, because after all, isn’t that what every small town gal dreams of? Yup, she can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never let Todd forget he is a man. Her administration is sort of like The Facts of Life (“you take the good, you take the bad, and there you have – the Facts of Life, the Facts of Life”) in which she is able to hire her school chums to take on executive positions in her administration, because after all, anyone who loves cows as a child should be the head of the Department of Agriculture. And best yet, one of her friends can become an Executive Assistant a/k/a Alaska’s Chief Babysitter a/k/a Mrs. Garret. We have not even begun to discuss the children who help make this the best family show on tv since Seventh Heaven.

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