Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Blog Acquires Curling Today

The Blog today acquired Curling Today, a magazine that chronicles all that is hip including the exciting, challenging, sizzling sport of curling (just under two more years to go for the next Olympics curling competition). The acquisition will enable the Blog to continue to be the pacesetter on such stories as the ARod/Madonna/CynthiaRod/Lenny/Guy love pentagon. For instance, CT learned that Madonna's music was the casue of ARod turning to the Kabbalah and renouncing his marriage. There may be some truth to this because I too am a Madonna fan who finds myself strangely pulled towards the Kabbalah. Check that, I am actually strangely pulled towards shish kebabs. But who knew that "4 Minutes to Save the World" actually related to the Final Countdown? But we must hand it to CynthiaRod who astutely quelled her feelings of abandonment by seeking comfort from Lenny Kravitz. Yes, the same Lenny Kravitz whose average relationship lasts 2.3 weeks. And poor Guy Ricthie who wants to continue living in London; understandably so since Madonna's music only attracts Elton John across the pond. But imagine the possibilities an ARod/Madonna coupling could bring. Together they could buy out the Steinbrenners and Madonna could be the Evita of the Major Leagues -- "Don't cry for me borough of the Bronx . . . " But seriously, what is next? Troy Tulowitzki falling for Miley Cyrus? Perhaps Clint Hurdle could fall for Hannah Montana and then there could be a Love Square that is really a triangle.

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