Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Pigeons are Stupid; So are Rabbits

The other day I was cruising down Broadway (ok you really can't cruise down Broadway) when suddenly this school of pigeons takes off from Civic Center Park. The problem is their trajectory takes the form of a prop plane overloaded with cargo. Suddenly I hear a "thump". A few blocks later I pull into a gas station and do see some bird-esque remnants. Unless that bird was on a suicide bomber mission against humanity, I can only surmise that it failed flight school.

Then a couple of days later a rabbit begins a jaubt across the road just as I am approaching. I slow down and move to avoid it, but the rabbit engages in no such collision-avoiding mode. Instead it picks up speed right in the direction of my front wheel. Now I do not know how this story ends, because there was a car right behind me so I could not stop and look back. But given its survival instincts I think it may be in bunny heaven right now (and I am not talking about Hef's Pad).

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